The Fabulous Fizz Bar


Website Overview


What do you do when you have an iconic attraction that elicits smiles and drops jaws wherever it appears? You craft a site that not only reflects the beauty, heritage and individualism of the vehicle in question, but you use that as a springboard to help promote the effervescent business that operates from within it!

The Fabulous Fizz Bar felt that whilst it’s eye catching van fizzed with excitement, their website did not. Turning to PNB Web Design we set about recreating a site that reflected the genuine spirit of the business and the quality experience offered from the van or the mobile bar services. 

Already famous in its own right, we set about enhancing this reputation with extensive SEO work and blending the celebratory colours of their existing brand across the site. Our missions was obvious – make the website look as good as the van and hopefully create as many smiles when people saw it! 

The Fabulous Fizz Bar is a fantastic venture that offers genuine quality and second-to-none customer service. Helping bring that to life though a website was a pleasure and a genuine joy. 

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